David Kopf Instruments

Here at Protech International Inc. we offer a variety of David Kopf Instruments. 
Please see our items list below for what we offer. 

Stereotaxic Instruments

Kopf Stereotaxic Instruments is a versatile, easy-to-use instrument that facilitates proper alignment of small or large animals for the stereotaxic placement of electrodes, micropipettes, cannula and other devices. The precise manner in which the instrument is built and assembled assures that the research will be able to make accurate and repeatable placements.

Stereotaxic Accessories

Kopf manufactures the largest variety of animal adaptors and ear bars. Kopf offers a multitude of stereotaxic holders designed to hold cannula, syringes, electrodes, micro dialysis probes; Kopf can provide custom holders for specific applications. In addition, Kopf's vast product line includes Microinjection Units, Drills, Alignment Tools, Temperature Controllers and Stage Platforms.

Spinal Instruments

Kopf Spinal Instruments are ideal for a variety of spinal procedures. Kopf offer numerous spinal accessories making these units extremely versatile for use with a multitude of small or large animals.

For quote requests or more information, please email us at sales@protechinternational.com